Joint Medications for your dog


As we get older, we usually tend to slow down and take things a little easier. We begin to have some aches and pains in places we never have before, and activities we once did with ease in our younger years seem to require real effort. Our bodies start to wear and being active starts to cause real problems for our muscles and joints. These symptoms are atypical and accepted fact of growing older, and the same is true for our pets.


According to Whole Dog Journal, arthritis affects one in five adult dogs, and 80% of dogs eight years and older. If your little buddy is starting to get up there in age, there’s a good chance you’ll start to notice some of the signs of aging joints. Your dog might not get up as fast as they used to, or they might start to take a little longer on your evening walks. You might notice they are walking funny or failing to put weight on a certain leg. They might have trouble doing things they once loved like running or jumping.


When the signs of aging and discomfort start to show, a loving dog owner will often start to search for a way to rid their dog of the pain and discomfort they are feeling, and try to help them better cope with their symptoms. For most people, the first step in helping their aging dog is to reach out to their veterinarian for guidance. There are a variety of approved medications on the market to treat joint pain and discomfort, and your vet might prescribe one to alleviate some of your dog’s symptoms.


But are they all safe?


Carprofen is one of the more controversial drugs approved to treat joint pain and discomfort in dogs. This commonly prescribed drug also goes by names such as Rimadyl, Novox, and Vetprofenl, among others.


Carprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that was first approved by the FDA in 1988 to treat osteoarthritis in humans. It was also approved for the treatment of joint pain in animals shortly after, and is prescribed for post-operative pain as well. This drug has since been pulled off the market for human use, but it is still often prescribed to animals, including dogs.


Carprofen works by blocking an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX), which our bodies produce in response to injury or irritation. COX causes your body to produce prostaglandins, which are used in many necessary bodily functions. Some of these uses are positive, like helping with liver function and blood flow. However, prostaglandins can also be a contributor to pain, such as the kind you might have with an injury, or in this case, the kind that comes with wear and tear over time.


When our pets are in pain, it might seem like a no-brainer to take advantage of a quick solution that can block the enzyme causing the pain, but with the positives come some potential negatives as well.


When you obstruct the production of COX and prostaglandins are not produced, it will minimize the joint pain your dog is feeling, but it could also cause some unwanted side effects.


Some reported dangerous side effects of Carprofen include liver damage, gastric complications such as vomiting or diarrhea, stomach bleeding due to damage to the stomach lining, fatigue, and seizures. Older dogs are especially susceptible to these types of complications, yet they are the ones most often in need of a solution to their joint pain.


After reports of thousands of animal deaths potentially associated with the use of Carprofen, and a lawsuit put forth in 1999, the maker of the popular brand of Carprofen named Rimadyl agreed to list death as a potential side effect on the label.


Not all pets will have an adverse reaction to Carprofen. It can be helpful to some animals, but the potential of death is, of course, worrisome to many dog owners, and enough of a reason to look into the use of other less dangerous options first, especially for senior dogs.


We consider our dogs to be part of the family, so we want what is best for them, just as we would for any of our loved ones. With many people now looking to try a more natural approach to their own health and wellness, it’s no surprise that they are seeking out similar remedies for their pets, too. Why not try a natural approach before turning to a more aggressive option like potentially harmful drugs?


Natural supplements, like those found in our Joint Care Chews, can provide a safe and easy way to ease your dog’s joint pain. You can often get all of the wanted joint health benefits, without the severe, adverse side effects often found in prescribed medications. The American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS) even lists natural supplements as an integral part of a beneficial treatment plan for joint pain in dogs.


According to ACVS, two supplements specifically, Chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate, seem to help improve joint pain in dogs. We made sure to include them in our thoughtfully-created Joint Care formulation, to ensure that we are providing your dog what it needs for a natural, safe wellness solution.


With supplements like our Joint Care Chews found to help treat and prevent joint pain and discomfort in dogs, many pet parents are trading traditional prescription treatments for this more natural approach.


Here at Pet Scientific, we base our products on science. We know with so many options it can be hard to make the right choice when it comes to your pet. We make it easy for you by doing the research and providing you with top-of-the-line products made with high-quality ingredients.


Your pet’s health and wellness are of utmost priority to you and to us, which is why we strive to provide you with a natural way to keep your pet happy and healthy through all stages of their life.

Mr.Nagarajan - Banglore
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